1. Log-in to www.duelingnetwork.com
2. Click Deck Construction
3.Type The Name of Card that you want to add to your deck in the ,Search - Name
4. For Specific choose the type of card
5.For more specific spell card, click the type and choose the type of spell : continous, normal, quick-play,etc
6. For more specific of trap , click the typr and choose the type of trap: normal, continous, counter
7. For a Monster you can choose the card , in the second column at Card: Normal , effect, Fusion,XYZ, Ritual, Synchro
8. For A monster we can choose thetype too, the column is under the card and next to it is a type card like: toon, tuner, spirit,etc
9.Atk and def the right is the highest and the left is the lowest
10. And click search
11. after you find the card you wanted drag it into the Deck/ side deck, but if it a synchro ,fusion, and/or XYZ drag it into the extra deck
12.if you done click save deck
13. Set it as default to instant use it when you are in the duel
14.Rename deck too rename your deck
15. New deck is too make a new deck but don't forget the name
16.Sort Deck is a way to sorting the card of it's type, like monster, spell, trap; and the number/A is in the first
17.Clear Deck is too clear the unfinished deck that you making
18. Delete deck is too delete a deck
19.Exit is too go back to the main menu
Entri KECE
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